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This DA DOU Hair Clay makes your hair feel “fatter” by adding body, thickness and structure to the individual hair strands, and ultimately gives your hair structure and stability throughout the day. Hair clays are ideal for hairstyles that require tons of volume without having to worry about the styling product weighing down your hair.


There are other benefits of using this hair clay products including: -

tendency to draw dirt and impurities from the hair without drying the hair of its natural oils - - naturally healing and stimulating of the hair shaft and scalp (making it good for men with 
   sensitive skin and scalp)

- nourishes the hair and scalp because it’s rich in mineral and nutrients

- moisturizes the hair to control and maintain frizzy hair, particularly for men with curly or longer hair


SKU: 2120
RM45.00 Regular Price
RM35.00Sale Price
    • Scoop a small amount out the pot. Try going for a very thin spread - the equivalent of a nickel's worth of product.
    • Dampen and warm between your palms. 
    • Start by applying to the ends of damp hair and slowly set your hair.
    • Evenly distribute the product. 
    • Repeat.

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